Finding a babysitter is a long-term decision. Here are some tips on how to ask a potential babysitter these important questions.
Go through a few common scenarios to see how the babysitter would react: What do you do if the baby will not stop crying? What do you do if the baby refuses the bottle or food? What do you do if the baby refuses to go to sleep? What do you do in an emergency? You should also talk about this with your family and friends so that you agree on how to deal with your baby in stressful situations. The reality is that your baby will not always be an angel.
Ask them about their experiences. How old are the children they have cared for? What skills are they still working on? Do they accept overnight care when an emergency arises?
Other questions you should ask are: What kind of activities do they plan to do with the baby? Do they plan to take the baby for a walk? What if it rains? How do they deal with a baby who is in a bad mood?
I hope these questions will help you find the right babysitter. If you need help or a personal consultation, please feel free to send us an email with your phone number.
Nanny Jean
寻找保姆是一个长期的决定。 以下是有关如何向潜在保姆提出这些重要问题的一些提示。
通过几个常见的场景,看看保姆会有什么反应:如果婴儿不停地哭,你会怎么做? 如果宝宝拒绝奶瓶或食物,你会怎么做? 宝宝不肯睡觉怎么办? 你在紧急情况下做什么? 您还应该与您的家人和朋友讨论此事,以便就如何在压力大的情况下应对宝宝达成共识。 事实上,您的宝宝不会永远是天使。
询问他们的经历。 他们照顾的孩子多大了? 他们还在研究哪些技能? 出现紧急情况时,他们是否接受过夜护理?
您应该问的其他问题是:他们计划与婴儿进行哪些活动? 他们打算带宝宝去散步吗? 如果下雨怎么办? 他们如何对待心情不好的宝宝?
我希望这些问题能帮助您找到合适的保姆。 如果您需要帮助或个人咨询,请随时通过电子邮件向我们发送您的电话号码。
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